works for a post-pandemic world.
expressions of colour and light

Together We Stand by Ethan Paxton
Hands Collage by Chelsea Brimstin
What The World Needs Now Is Love by Thalia Ranjbar
Singers: Rachel Lloyd and Robert Popoli
Musician: William Li
Song: What The World Needs- By Hal David and Burt Bacharach
Video editing: Grace Campbell
Cinematography: Drew Smith
Artists Featured: Thalia Ranjbar, Rachel Lloyd, Robert Popoli, William Li, Grace Campbell, Natalie Chevalier, Brent Miller, Drew Smith, Ava Conlon, Somayeh Kashi, Tatyana Austrie, Orlena Bray, Gabriel Sizeland, Sarah McMillan, Nolan Linskey, Charlotte Linskey, Keyan Conlon, Patrick Avery-Kenny, Ethan Butler, Jack Sizeland, Lisa Marie- Oliphant, Abigale Oliphant, Sahar Kashi, Ariana Ranjbar, Kora Farley- Smith.

These works are an unfolding of a culture and where it all comes from in a mixed heritage Black British born with strong cultural roots in the Caribbean. Families being separated by water, there is both a disconnect and an unspoken obvious connection to black culture regardless of upbringing. These patchwork visual stories weave together ENNÈ's personal journey, for us now as a collective to piece everything together as we heal collectively.
Three Works by ENNÈ

This collection of digital doodles were created during quarantine and
visual explorations of questions they have been asking themselves
during this chaotic time.
The questions are:
How does trauma manifest in my body as a queer, femme, racialized and disabled person?
How do i de-centre whiteness in my artistic practice and how to I
decolonize my practice? Is that even possible?
How do I challenge notions of good art and make the art that makes me happy.
What would the child who didn't have their imagination limited by
white supremacy want to create?
Doodles by Kitoko Mai

Hope by JessAmy Perkins
Australian Sunsets by JessAmy Perkins

I want to be somewhere other than here
Munich, Bermuda, the beach, the sand in my toes, the
city life and tongue of another language all around me
- Amelia Eqbal

Covid19 - Portrait of a Bitter Spring by Tina Falbo
Seasons B.C.*
*Before COVID-19
by Amelia Eqbal
The autumn leaves were dusted and crusted
With white fleck and ice that had reared their heads
Tis the season for snow-capped Adirondacks
Hands balled up and thrust indefinitely into pockets,
permanently punching the chill in the air
Fingers curled around wads of fleece and elastic,
nails gnashing into palmy flesh
Sticky remnants on fingertips
From painting menthol lips
Noses deeply tucked behind cotton mesh
Ears emerging slightly from folded woolen fabric
The howling wind tugging at my hair as if it has a
secret it was dying to share.
And yet they rightly insist that
The gentle lift of a squirrel's body will soon come
into focus
That chimes will dance and sing in delight at the way
the wind winds its way through their stoic metal bars
That spring will come again.
Tina's post-pandemic message comes in the form of a portrait collage created from deconstructed watercolour studies she accumulated in her pre-pandemic life.
She is hopeful that our deconstructing lives will lead us to find light in the darkness.
I have grown weary of places I once found lively.

We are all at the mercy of our nature and our dreams.

Everywhere I look, I see two permanent things: the earth around us and our thoughts of our dreams. These two things are so incredibly loud that at a time where death (our inevitable nature) has become so prominent, we look to our dreams and desperately try to accomplish them. Not without difficulty, because often one of them overcomes the other. Now when my dreams are too far to touch, I look to the earth and see the promise of life everywhere, and I feel okay.

I had a dream that softened my heart to all the places I've been
And all the memories of them I might have missed
They were clear as day
Bright and unyielding
I will return to them.
by Sahar Salha
Chat Sale by Yohanes Soubirius de Santo
Negotiable Crowd by Yohanes Soubirius de Santo
I'm Depressed by Yohanes Soubirius de Santo
Switch Function by Yohanes Soubirius de Santo
I'm Starting to be Spotted by Yohanes Soubirius de Santo
*For full descriptions of the works, click each of the individual photos and download Artist Statements by Yohanes Soubirius de Santo.

by Chinedu Andrew Atisele
When no wind is in the park,
Lucy likes to blow her bubbles,
Bright and bulging,
light and leaping,
O'er the shiny ponds and puddles;
When the windless park is empty-
Lucy sure likes to whistle a lot,
Because no more nasties nor meanies
Are able to pop her sparkling sweeties,
While she makes a whish with her purple wand,
Which looks like a hoop with a plastic handle,
To those who cannot handle even the simple magic,
Her heart is busy making a sudsy song
Skinny bubbles, wider bubbles,
Shaky bubbles, calmer bubbles,
Flutter away, lalala
Fly, fly fly away.
That's why
when no wind is in the park,
Lucy loves to blow her bubbles
Bright and bulging, light and leaping,
O'er the shiny ponds and puddles!
Photos by Anna Miltenburg
Quarantine Selfies
72 days becoming 1
Isolation Squad
Painting A Gay Masterpiece by Ariana Magliocco
On Stimulus Cheques by Danielle Solo
Thank you, Trudeau,
for being my crystal sugar daddy
these past few months —
I'm lost in a fluorite sphere glittery as a dream;
jade baby yoda, tell me what to do
finally given a living wage,
I spend thousands on rocks.
War And Peace Inside My Mind by Monty Langford

Photos by Amelia Eqbal


Paper Art by Kahala Michelle (@abstractlover)
And it will be beautiful
by Eloïse Poulton
I have a duty of care
to myself, to be fair
to myself, to extend
to myself love I send
out beyond my own parts
to the world's beating hearts.
These hearts which thrum
in chests do drum;
in city streets
the ground, it beats;
and underfoot
my hands I put
flush on lush ground
to hear the sound ––
Supercharged and sizzling,
my nerve-endings fizzling,
I recall a fact
I know, a pact
made between the earth and I,
sanctified by sea and sky:
We live as we die.
Together, alone.
We howl and we moan.
We laugh and we sleep.
We dance as we weep.
Until the last flutter,
until we last utter
nothing, or something:
'We belong to everything.'
I have a duty of care
to myself, to be fair
to myself, to extend
to myself love I send
out beyond my own parts
to the world's beating hearts.
If this love you extend,
your soul you can mend.
Your body will heal.
The frailty you feel
a reminder you're strong.
This time overlong
has us in a cage,
our wounds to assuage
by mutual compassion.
In time, we will fashion
a world more in pulse
with our natural impulse
And it will be beautiful.
The perfection of rhyme
only lasts for a time;
life isn't pure symmetry,
still, strive we for clarity.
Like a ripple through water
disruption can alter
the way things exist,
but the beat will persist.
Start with an act
to remember this fact;
keep nature's pact
And it will be beautiful.